Tuesday, August 2, 2011

God's Justice.....compassionate intervention.....

From Pastor Jim Culp
Orchard Church, Chico, CA  www.orchardchurch.com

"God's Justice: To compassionately intervene in the lives of people against the injustice inflicted by others"

"This past week and again this Sunday, we are talking about God's Justice.  It is a topic that I am passionate about.  I believe we as the church are called to be the instruments of God's justice in our culture.  So often it's easy to say, "the problem is too big", but in reality, we are called simply to do the individual things God puts in front of us.  to bring justice to the life of ONE person in need at a time.  If God's people will worship him in this way, our culture will change. 

 Who is that ONE person in your life today??'"

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